Please review carefully

LCA Policies

LCA Policies

This area provides resources to support parents throughout the school year, from enrollment to graduation

You are always welcome to reach out and contact us directly if you have any questions or concerns. However, we also provide a variety of resources on this page that you can use at your convenience.

Student Policies


    The IOWA Tests are administered in April each year. These tests help us to assess our instructional program in comparison to other schools across the country. A $60 fee will be charged for any student taking the achievement test. Your child's test scores will be available at the end of the school year and mailed to the address on file.


    Lighthouse Christian Academy expects students and/or staff to immediately report incidents of harassment/bullying to an administrator. Staff members who witness such acts must take immediate steps to intervene when safe to do so. Each complaint of harassment/bullying will be promptly investigated. This policy applies to students on school grounds while traveling to and from LCA or a school-sponsored activity, during the break/lunch period, whether on or off campus and during a school-sponsored activities. 

    The school will not tolerate harassment/bullying in any form and will determine appropriate consequences, which may include suspension and/or expulsion. 

    The LCA administration and faculty believe these standards are based on the teachings and example of our Lord Jesus Christ as set forth in the New Testament. More specifically, enrollment at Lighthouse Christian Academy and participation in the academic and extracurricular activities of Lighthouse Christian Academy is a privilege and shall be granted to students who are willing to conduct themselves in accordance with the Code of Conduct and who want to carry out the aims of this Christ-centered school.


    Students are not allowed to bring cell phones, fitness trackers, or smart watches that can be used to make calls or send text messages to school. If you bring a device that falls into this category, you must turn it off when you arrive at school or surrender it to the school office. Devices will be returned to you at the end of the school day or before dismissal.


    One of our goals is to prepare our students to become people of integrity. Therefore, we want students’ work (class work, homework, tests, quizzes, projects, etc.) to be the actual representation of who that child is and what they actually know. When students share answers/take answers or change answers when scoring their own work, that is considered cheating. When a parent revises and/or changes a student’s work, that is considered cheating. When students copy the words of another person without giving credit for that information to the source, this is considered plagiarism, a form of cheating. Students must be taught how to research and then turn that information into their own words.  Students who forge another person’s signature or initials will receive the same consequences as cheating.

    LCA expects each student to submit work that is entirely their own. It is appropriate for parents or guardians to review their child’s work before the student submits work to the teacher; however, parents or guardians should not be doing their child’s work for them. Teachers grade student work based on the child’s ability, and this should be consistent with the work that is completed at school and the work that is completed at home. LCA also expects student projects to look as though a student at that particular grade level has completed them. As stated above, “When a parent revises and/or changes a student’s work, that is considered cheating.”

    When a teacher suspects work has been completed by a parent or guardian, the teacher will consult with the student. If it is determined that significant “help” was given, the student will have the opportunity to redo the work at school and the grade may be lowered. The parent or guardian and administration will be notified. On the second offense, the student will receive a “zero” for the assignment or project, and a meeting will take place with the teacher, student, and parent or guardian.


    We encourage all families to attend church regularly or participate in some sort of youth group. LCA defines "regular" attendance as attending church at least once a week. We understand that there may be times when families are unable to attend church due to extenuating circumstances. However, we encourage families to make church attendance a priority in their lives. 

    We encourage church attendance for a number of reasons. First, we believe that it is important for Christians to be connected to a local church community. This community can provide support, fellowship, and guidance. Second, we believe that church attendance is a way for Christians to worship God and learn more about His Word. Third, we believe that church attendance is a way for Christians to reach out to others and share their faith.

    We hope that you'll join us in encouraging your family to attend church regularly. We believe that it is an important part of a Christian's life, and we want to support our families in their spiritual growth.

    LCA offers a number of resources to help families attend church regularly which can be found on our Community Links page on our website: 


    If a student does not comply with the Code of Conduct or with the other rules and regulations set forth in the handbook, Lighthouse Christian Academy will discipline the student. In dealing with a student pertaining to any violation of the Code of Conduct, it is our belief that we should pray with the students and that we should provide them with social, moral, emotional, physical, and spiritual counsel, as appropriate. We also believe that it is important to contact the student’s parents when the seriousness of the offense warrants such action. When disciplining a student, depending upon the seriousness of the offense, the student may be counseled, a warning may be given, an incident report may be filed, and a student may be put on probation, suspended, or possibly dismissed. With an agreement between the administration and the parents of a student, other forms of discipline may be deemed appropriate. Students who repeatedly violate these rules will not be invited to return for the following year.

    We stand unashamedly against the illegal use of drugs and alcohol, smoking, vulgarity, violence, vandalism, cheating, physical contact, and Biblically deviant behavior as outlined in I Corr.6:9-10.  Students must agree not to participate in or encourage such things whether on or off school property.  Failure to comply may result in withdrawing from LCA.


    Cyberbullying is a form of bullying and will not be tolerated at Lighthouse Christian Academy. “Cyberbullying is when a child, preteen, or teen is tormented, threatened, harassed, humiliated, embarrassed, or otherwise targeted by another child, preteen, or teen using the Internet, interactive and digital technologies, or mobile phones.” (

    “Cyberbullying can take place through direct attacks, or by proxy. Cyberbullying by proxy is when a cyberbully gets someone else to do their dirty work.” For more information and examples, visit 

    Cyberbullying and harassment are strictly prohibited in Education Codes 48900.4 and 48900(r) 

    "Education Codes 48900.4- Harassment, threats, or intimidation creating an intimidating or hostile educational environment." 

    "Education Code 48900(r)- Engaged in an act of bullying, including, but not limited to bullying committed by an electronic act, as defined in subdivisions (f) and (k) of Section 32261, directed specifically toward a pupil or school personnel." 

    Social media has become the main forum for cyberbullying to occur. LCA has an obligation to protect our students from cyberbullying and may review social media posts as necessary to ensure our students are protected. If the behavior occurs off school grounds and/or before or after school hours, and if the behavior causes or threatens to cause a substantial disruption at school or interferes with the rights of students to be secure, the school administration may impose consequences. The administration may also report cyberbullying or harassment to the police.

    Any such behavior is subject to the following consequences: 

    Minimum –  One-day suspension off school grounds

    Maximum – Expulsion


    Occasionally the administration will declare a “designated dress” day or “jeans day” day. An announcement will indicate what change in the Dress Code is permitted. On these special days, students may wear either their regular uniform or clothing that meets the following guidelines: 

    • Nothing too tight.
    • Nothing too short – Skirt hems must be knee length or longer. Anything shorter is not permitted.
    • Nothing too baggy.
    • No tank or sleeveless tops. 
    • Shirts must be long enough to tuck in; the midriff can’t show when your hands are raised above your head. 
    • Shirts can have logos on them as long as they are not offensive. 
    • No homemade/hand-lettered shirts may be worn. 
    • No shorts/pants with writing across the bottom (“cheer”, “dance”, “juicy”, etc.) 
    • No basketball shorts, sweat, yoga, jeggings/leggings, pajama pants, or cargo shorts unless the administration has allowed a class to have a pajama day.

    On “Jeans Days”, the last Thursday of each month, the student may wear jeans of appropriate length and fit, with any patriotic or spiritual t-shirt, any LCA T-shirt, LCA polo, or other LCA-appropriate uniform attire. All clothing should be clean and not tattered: no rips, no tears, no patched, or worn fabric. 

    Designated Dress Days are a privilege, not a right. Students who have multiple dress infractions in any given month will not be able to participate in any Designated Dress Day opportunities during that month. Any earned Designated Dress Day passes can be subject to revocation at any time at the discretion of their teacher.


    Hairstyles that are distracting or disruptive can create a negative learning environment for all students. We believe that students should set a good example for each other by following LCA hairstyle guidelines. Students who are sent home for having an inappropriate hairstyle will not be able to participate in any extracurricular activities until their hairstyle is changed and may be subject to disciplinary action if they continue to repeatedly violate the hairstyle policy.

    Students who come to school with an inappropriate hairstyle may be:

    • Permitted to complete the school day, but will be asked to change their hairstyle before returning to school the next day.
    • Sent home immediately, and will not be allowed to return to school until their hairstyle meets LCA guidelines for appropriateness.

    The following hairstyles are not allowed:

    • Hairstyles that are extreme or distracting.
    • Hairstyles that include coloring or bleaching agents. 
    • Hairstyles that are gang-related or offensive.
    • Hairstyles that cover the student's face.
    • Hairstyles that are not properly groomed.
    • Hairstyles that include any shaved or etched designs.

    For the benefit of the entire school community, the administration must be permitted to make the final determination as to the appropriateness of any hairstyle, but parents are always encouraged to reach out to an administrator if there is any doubt. We hope that you will help your child choose a hairstyle that is appropriate for school and that will make them feel confident and comfortable.


    Students should complete most if not all, goals during the morning hours of the school day while they are mentally “fresh”. Students should complete their math, English, and Word Building goals first. Students should learn that it is their responsibility to set goals and complete the work assignments they set for themselves.

    Students who have not completed their goals by the end of the day are required to take their work home and complete it. The work is to be completed by the student before the start of the next school day. 

    Parents should not do the homework for the student because this deprives them of the learning opportunity that homework provides. Rather, parents should supervise the homework their children are doing to ensure completion. Parents should allow time for the student to complete homework during the evening.


    The Honor Roll Program exists for the purpose of encouraging students to achieve excellence in academics by recognizing those students with outstanding academic records and by providing a measurable goal toward which all students can aim.

    At the end of each quarter, all students qualifying for the honor roll will be awarded a certificate of recognition in an awards assembly. Honor can be defined by these percentages:

    • “A” Honor Roll =  94-100%
    • “B” Honor Roll =  88-93%


    LCA uses an accelerated grading system that is based on the A.C.E. (Accelerated Christian Education) curriculum. This means that students are expected to learn at a faster pace than in a traditional school setting. The grading system at LCA is as follows:

    • A = 94-100%
    • B = 88-93%
    • C = 70-87%
    • D = 60-69%
    • F = 0-59%

    In addition to these letter grades, students are also given a numerical grade for each subject. This numerical grade is based on the student's mastery of the subject matter.

    The grading system at LCA is designed to challenge students and help them reach their full potential. The accelerated pace of the program allows students to learn more in a shorter amount of time. This can be a great advantage for students who are motivated and eager to learn.

    LCA issues an Academic Update after the 6th week of each quarter to update the parents on the progress of the student. These updates provide parents with a snapshot of their child's academic performance, including their grades, attendance, and behavior. The academic updates are a valuable tool for parents to track their child's progress throughout the year. They can also help parents identify any areas where their child may need additional help.

    In addition to the Academic Updates, LCA also issues Progress Reports (AKA Report Cards) at the end of each quarter. The Progress Reports, including the Academic Updates, are to be signed by the parent/guardian and returned to the teacher within seven (7) days. If Academic Updates or Progress Reports are not returned and/or are lost, parents will incur an additional fee to recreate them


    Girls below the seventh grade may not wear makeup. Girls in the seventh grade or higher may wear modest amounts of makeup if allowed by their parent or guardian. Makeup should be subtle and should not be distracting. Hoop or dangling earrings, nose pins, nose rings, or any piercing other than the ear are not permitted. Chunky, thick, and flashy jewelry is not permitted. 

    Boys may not wear earrings or jewelry that requires pierced skin. Chunky, thick, and flashy jewelry is not permitted. 

    Students who wear makeup or jewelry that causes a distraction will be asked to remove it.


    LCA has established a school that maintains a highly disciplined program with high academic and Biblical Christian standards.  All students are admitted on probation for their first six weeks in school.  Students should act in an orderly and respectful manner, maintaining Christian standards of courtesy, kindness, honesty, and morality.  Students should demonstrate a Christ-like attitude in their thoughts, words, and deeds.  Any student out of uniform or unwilling to cooperate with the LCA Code of Conduct will be sent home for the remainder of the day. 

    Probation may be given for academic and/or behavioral reasons. Students in all grades may be placed on probation for the purpose of correcting behavior or grades and to provide the student with the opportunity to improve. Students who do not improve to a satisfactory level may be asked to withdraw from the school or be dismissed based on the final decision of the administration. 


    There will be absolutely no written profanity allowed on any visible part of the body, any personal property, personal notes, PACEs, notebooks, drawing books, or school property. There is also to be no profanity spoken while in school. This includes using the Lord’s name in vain. Infractions will result in automatic probation or subject to administrative punishment.


    Parents need to provide transportation to and from school. It is suggested that they cooperate with others in forming carpools. The school parking lot is usually very crowded immediately before and after school. Please exercise the utmost care since children will be loading and unloading. Please follow the directions to our parking lot. Please do not leave small children unattended.


    All Students must wear clothing selected from the prescribed LCA uniform policy. All uniform items must be clean and kept in good repair. 

    Students are expected to dress and groom themselves in a neat, modest, and attractive fashion reflecting pride in themselves and in their school. The dress code is established to help ensure an atmosphere conducive to study and prevent drawing attention to self. Pride in student dress and grooming is an observable difference at LCA. It is the responsibility of parents and children to ensure compliance with the dress code. If there are any questions, keep it simple and err on the conservative side.

    • T-Shirts: All students may wear the designated LCA uniform T-shirt (athletic grey) on designated school days. The T-shirt can be purchased online at the LCA store. This T-shirt is the only acceptable uniform T-shirt for students. Any other T-shirts purchased outside of LCA are not acceptable uniforms.
    • Long-sleeved T-shirts: As part of their everyday uniform option, students may wear the designated LCA uniform long sleeve T-shirt. Our long sleeve uniform T-shirt can be purchased online at the LCA store. This T-shirt is the only acceptable long sleeve uniform T-shirt for students, and it must have the LCA logo printed on it. Any other long sleeve T-shirts purchased outside of LCA are not an acceptable uniform. These can also be worn underneath polos.
    • Sweatshirts:  These tops may be purchased from any source as long as they are solid navy (not other blues) and are non-hooded. Sweatshirts cannot have any logos or writing on them. If an LCA sweatshirt is worn during school hours, an approved LCA uniform shirt must be worn underneath. These can also be purchased through the LCA store. Please put your child’s name on the inside of clothing items so they may be returned if found. 
    • Socks: Socks are required as part of the LCA uniform policy. Students are encouraged to choose socks that reflect their personality and interests., but they must meet the following requirements:
    • Socks can be solid colors or patterns.
    • Socks must be free of any logos or writing.
    • Shorts: No shorts are permitted. 
    • Belts: All pants must have belt loops. Belts must be solid khaki, black, brown or navy, ONLY.
    • Shoes: Shoes should be worn that coordinate with the uniform wardrobe items. Shoes must be of a design that will allow active play during physical education classes. Thongs, ragged shoes, Crocs, slides, and combat boots are not permitted. Socks must be worn at all times. Any lace-up shoes must be worn with laces tied. Because the overall safety of our students is a top priority, it is mandatory that students wear closed-toe shoes. Students will not be allowed to enter the school building without proper foot attire.

    Parents are expected to support the uniform code.

    Personal appearance and good grooming are in keeping with Christian principles. There is evidence of a positive connection between good grooming and the conduct and academic achievement of students. Dress and grooming code decisions at LCA are based on modesty, neatness, cleanliness, and appropriateness. 

    Fashions of dress and grooming that attract undue attention or are considered to be controversial are not permitted. The goal of our dress and grooming code is to help students focus on inward growth not outward adornment. Each year a uniform guideline will be included in the Parent & Student Handbook. 


    Uniform clothing may be purchased from the LCA Online Store or anywhere the standard uniform is offered. LCA polo shirts may be ordered in the school office year-round. Uniform polo shirts may be purchased at some department stores. All items, regardless of where they are purchased, must be identical to the prescribed uniform. Alternative uniform apparel options may be purchased directly from the uniform store online.


    LCA allows students to wear watches in school with their parent’s permission; however, the device must be left OFF while on school grounds. Students must turn their cell phones or smartwatch in to their teacher at the beginning of each school day if they do not comply. Students are NOT allowed to check their devices during the school day and they may not be left in the student’s backpack.  If a student needs to contact a parent, they must receive permission from an LCA employee to use the office telephone. The school will not be responsible for loss or damage or for unauthorized use. 

    The following types of watches are not allowed in school because they are considered to be distracting or disruptive:

    • Watches with flashing lights
    • Watches with loud alarms
    • Watches with large or gaudy displays


    Drop-off should be on the west side of the school building. While on school property, you must slow down to 10mph and use extreme caution. Do not use your cell phone or text during drop-off and pick-up times. The safety of our students, staff, school, church property, and school families is our utmost concern.

    We ask that you do not block any entrances or intersections or pull in front of or around another car. If a student arrives after the start time, you must check in with the school office. The student will receive a tardy for entering class late.


    At dismissal time, parents are required to call or text the school office once they arrive to notify the school. A staff member will then escort your child downstairs to meet you. This policy is in place for the safety of all students. It helps to ensure that all students are accounted for and that no one is left unattended and are picked up by their authorized guardians. It helps to reduce the amount of chaos and confusion at dismissal time.

    Here are some additional details about the pickup procedures:

    • Parents should call or text the school office once they arrive at the school.
    • The staff member will prepare and escort your child downstairs on the east side of the school building.
    • If you are picking up your child early, please give the school office advanced notice.
    • In case of severe weather, the staff member will escort your student to the south side of the building under the overhang for protection.

    If your child is not picked up by the dismissal time, you will incur a late fee of $1.00 per minute until they are picked up. A separate invoice will be sent to collect this fee. For safety reasons, LCA students are not allowed to be on campus unsupervised at any time. This includes but is not limited to, waiting for school to start before arrival/drop-off times, waiting for pick up anywhere on campus, or during any school-sponsored event on school grounds, including, but not limited to, church events, ceremonies, graduation, guest speakers, etc. See Late Fee Policy (Page 16).


    In order for LCA to maintain high Christian and academic standards, we ask that students maintain regular attendance. This is imperative for optimum progress and necessary for them to complete the daily academy requirements of LCA. It is also necessary that we conform to Florida attendance laws.

    A student’s complete attendance record is a part of their cumulative student file and absences and unexcused tardies are reflected on report cards. We believe that a good start sets the tone for the day. Students should eat a healthy breakfast (low in sugar) and be on time for school.

    Students are expected to be in their classroom and ready to work at their start time or they will be marked tardy. Being tardy truly starts the students off on the wrong foot and sets them up to feel behind all day.  See Tardy Policy (Page 33).


    In accordance with Florida state law and school policy, school staff is obligated under penalty of fine and jail term to report reasonable suspicion of physical abuse, sexual abuse, or child neglect. In this very serious and legally narrow area, the school will not contact parents in advance of making a report to authorities, which would be the procedure followed in most other legal matters. The clear intent of the law, based on the seriousness of the crimes listed above, is to mandate that a report of reasonable suspicion of abuse be made to the Division of Children and Families. School staff will make such reports in the best interest of the affected child and do not, once reasonable suspicion is established, have any legal alternative except to make the report to the proper authorities for their investigation and review. All reports are confidential and not subject to inclusion in court procedures. Failure to report suspected abuse, neglect, or abandonment can result in criminal charges.


    Communication from the school office, staff, and teachers will be sent through our new dedicated text-only number and through email. Please make sure you have an active, working email address on file with the school that you check on a regular basis. LCA sends important communications that families are strongly encouraged to read.

    Parent-teacher communication is essential for a successful program. We have found that the most effective way for parents and teachers to communicate is through the use of student planners. Students are responsible for showing their parents or teachers any notes included in their planners and obtaining appropriate signatures.

    Ways to Communicate:

    • If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the school in one of the following ways:
    • Write a note in your child's planner.
    • Email the school's email address.
    • Leave a voice message for the teacher by calling the school office.
    • Schedule a conference with your child's teacher through the form on the Parent Portal.
    • Text the LCA Text-Only number.

    Teachers have limited access to their phones in their classrooms. Please do not call personal cell or house phones to contact teachers unless given full consent.


    Safety drills for severe storms, fires, lockdowns, and other emergency situations are held regularly to ensure the safety of all children. In the event of a disaster, the school will provide care for the students for the duration of the situation and will release them to parents, or others authorized by the parent, when safe to do so at our designated Safety Zones:

    1. Oakland Park Elementary - 936 NE 33rd St, Oakland Park, FL 33334
    2. Giusti Heart Parkours Jogging Park - 600 NE 38th St, Oakland Park, FL 33334
    3. Oakland Park City Hall - 3650 NE 12th Ave, Oakland Park, FL 33334

    Once the school staff has made it to a Safety Zone, text messages will be sent to parents to let them know about the emergency and to instruct them on how to pick up their child from one of the designated Safety Zones above.


    Lighthouse Christian Academy attempts to follow Broward County School District’s emergency dismissal procedures. If Broward County schools are ordered to close, LCA may also close. Be aware that LCA DOES NOT follow the same reopening procedures as the Broward County School District. LCA May reopen earlier or later based on our own requirements. Our main method of communication during a possible school closure and reopening is via email and/or text messages. Make sure all phone numbers and email addresses on file with the school are up to date and accurate and working at all times. In the event the school will close, we will contact parents via the methods listed above and which may include email and text. Emergency closing and opening information will also be available on the school’s Parent Portal.


    Lighthouse Christian Academy (LCA) is committed to providing a safe and positive learning environment for all students. We believe that students and parents have the right to voice their concerns and grievances in a fair and impartial manner for any concerns regarding a situation that happened on school campus or at a school-sponsored event.

    How to File a Grievance

    If you have a grievance that relates to anything on school property or from a school-sponsored event, you can file it with the following steps:

    • Meet with the administration to report the grievance. This may involve having a conversation, writing a letter, or sending an email. Your grievance should be in writing and should include the following information:
    1. Your name and contact information
    2. The date of the incident
    3. A brief description of the incident
    4. Your desired outcome
    • The administration will investigate your grievance and will meet with the parties involved to discuss the grievance. The administrator will then make a decision on how to resolve the issue.
    • If you are not satisfied with the administration's decision, you can appeal. The school administration will review your appeal and will make a final decision.


    1. You must file your grievance within 30 days of the incident.
    2. The administration must investigate your grievance and meet with you within 10 business days of receiving your grievance.
    3. The school administration must review your appeal and make a final decision within 30 days of receiving your appeal.


    All grievances will be handled in a confidential manner. The names of the individuals involved will be kept confidential unless you give permission to release them.

    Right to Be Heard

    You have the right to be heard during the grievance process. You will have the opportunity to present your case to the administrator.

    We hope that you will never need to file a grievance. However, if you do, we are committed to providing you with a fair and impartial process.


    Field trips are encouraged at LCA in order to enhance student learning. The following policies will be followed during field trips: 

    • Parents may expect to be informed about the nature and purpose of the field trip in advance. This includes information about times of departure and return, transportation, extra costs, activities on the trip, appropriate attire, supervision, and whom to contact in an emergency. 
    • The office will maintain information about students’ whereabouts on field trips. In the event of a family emergency, your grade-level teacher will provide you, in advance, with information about contacting your students. Students may not be taken on a field trip without the knowledge and consent of the administration. 
    • Parent drivers must carry student emergency release forms for each student being transported. A copy of a current Florida Driver’s License and proof of liability insurance for parents transporting students must be on file, prior to the trip, in the school office, in the amounts of $50,000 per occurrence and $100,000 aggregate. 
    • LCA will run a DMV check on all volunteer drivers before they can transport students. 
    • All volunteers who wish to transport students must be live scanned. The cost for this is approximately $70, depending on the fingerprinting location you visit. Be aware that it takes approximately 10 business days, and in rare instances, up to one month, for the results to be returned to LCA, so please plan accordingly. Information for the fingerprinting location can be obtained from the school’s main office. 
    • Alternative plans and arrangements should be made in advance for students not participating in a field trip. As a general rule, students not participating in the grade-level field trips will be expected to complete their normal assignments at home. 
    • The school dress codes should be followed by students and teachers unless the activities of one-day field trips require different attire, such as for hiking, swimming, sports, etc. The teachers in charge will specify dress for each field trip. 
    • Parents who chaperone field trips are required to read and follow the Guidelines for Chaperones provided at the time of chaperone selection:
    1. Parents must abide by the school dress code and must be modest and appropriate for school.
    2. Parents must abide by the Scented Product Policy. 
    3. Chaperones are responsible for the safety and well-being of the students in their assigned group
    4. Ensuring that students stay with the group at all times.
    5. Monitoring students' behavior and intervening as needed.
    6. Reporting any concerns to the teacher or administrator immediately.
    7. Being a positive role model for students.
    • If medication will be needed during the field trip, it is the parent’s responsibility to inform the teacher. 
    • Students are not eligible to attend field trips if their parents have a past-due account. Parents may request a meeting with the head of school to discuss a plan to approve the attendance of the student on the field trip.

    Fundraisers may help with some of these costs and LCA encourages all parents to participate throughout the year in The Booster Club’s fundraising efforts.


    Lighthouse Christian Academy is committed to the safety of its students and staff. As part of this commitment, we conduct regular fire and safety drills. These drills are designed to help students and staff know what to do in the event of a fire or other emergency.

    • Fire drills are conducted at least once per month. During a fire drill, students and staff will evacuate the building in an orderly and safe manner. Students will line up outside the building and wait for further instructions from staff.
    • Safety drills may be conducted at any time. These drills may include drills for earthquakes, tornadoes, or other emergencies. During a safety drill, students and staff will practice the appropriate procedures for the specific emergency.


    The staff is responsible for the overall safety of the school. The administrators will work with the fire department to develop and implement fire and safety drills. They will also ensure that all students and staff are familiar with the fire and safety drill procedures.

    Students are responsible for following the instructions of staff during a fire or other emergency. Students will evacuate the building in an orderly and safe manner and will follow the instructions of staff at all times.

    LCA conducts fire and safety drills throughout the year. During a fire drill, everyone is expected to exit the buildings immediately. During safety drills, specific actions are required depending on the drill.

    Emergency Procedures

    In the event of a fire or other emergency, students, and staff should follow these procedures:

    • Report it to a teacher or staff member immediately. 
    • Stay calm and listen to the instructions of the staff.
    • Evacuate the building in an orderly and safe manner.
    • Do not re-enter the building until instructed to do so by staff.
    • Text messages will be sent to parents to let them know about the emergency and to instruct them on how to pick up their student from one of the designated Safety Zones.


    The school maintains a Lost & Found area. Unclaimed items will be donated to charity 30 days after they are found. It is most helpful if all personal belongings (jackets, lunch boxes, notebooks, etc.) are clearly marked with the student’s name.


    Hot lunches are not available at LCA. Parents are responsible for monitoring their child’s lunch and are recommended to provide them with a healthy meal for lunchtime. If a student fails to bring lunch, the school will not have food available for them. Due to the license held with the Broward Health Department, LCA cannot cook or prepare any food for students in a microwave. We highly recommend pre-cooked foods that do not require re-heating.

    By packing healthy and nutritious lunches for their children, parents can help their children stay healthy and energized throughout the school day.

    Here are some healthy and nutritious lunch options that parents can provide their students at Lighthouse Christian Academy:

    • Salads: Salads are a great way to get your daily dose of vegetables. You can add a variety of ingredients to your salad, such as grilled chicken, tofu, chickpeas, or hard-boiled eggs.
    • Sandwiches: Sandwiches are another easy and convenient lunch option. You can make your own sandwiches using whole-wheat bread, lean protein, and healthy toppings, such as avocado, hummus, or roasted vegetables.
    • Wraps: Wraps are a great alternative to sandwiches. You can use whole-wheat tortillas or lettuce leaves to wrap your favorite ingredients.
    • Pasta salad: Pasta salad is a refreshing and flavorful lunch option. You can make your own pasta salad using whole-wheat pasta, vegetables, and a light dressing.
    • Quinoa bowls: Quinoa bowls are a hearty and satisfying lunch option. You can make your own quinoa bowls using cooked quinoa, vegetables, and a protein source, such as grilled chicken or tofu.
    • Fruit and veggie trays: Fruit and veggie trays are a healthy and refreshing snack option. You can cut up your favorite fruits and vegetables and serve them with a dip, such as hummus or guacamole.
    • Trail mix: Trail mix is a great way to get your daily dose of protein and healthy fats. You can make your own trail mix using nuts, seeds, dried fruits, and chocolate chips.
    • Yogurt parfaits: Yogurt parfaits are a healthy and delicious breakfast or snack option. You can layer yogurt, granola, and fruit in a glass or jar.

    It is important to avoid lunches and snacks that are high in sugar or preservatives. These foods can lead to weight gain, health problems, and a decrease in energy levels. It is also important to avoid sodas and carbonated drinks, as these drinks are high in sugar and calories.

    Instead of sodas and carbonated drinks, parents can pack their children's lunches with water, unsweetened tea, or natural juices. These drinks are healthy and refreshing, and they will help their children stay hydrated throughout the day.

    Sharing of food among students during snack/lunch times is strictly prohibited.


    Parents are strongly encouraged to meet the teacher(s) early in the year and continue contact as needed in order to build rapport and keep informed of the progress of their student(s). Parent conferences are scheduled after the end of the first quarter and parents or teachers may call special conferences if special concerns arise. 

    To contact a teacher, please call the school office and request a callback. Please offer available times when it would be best for the teacher to return your call. You can also contact the teacher via email or by the school office’s main text line.

    Parents are invited to participate in the daily activities on school grounds. You may offer to help the teacher in the classroom, help with field trips, class parties, and many other capacities. The teacher will schedule classroom volunteers.


    LCA has created a new Parent Portal for all enrolled families. The Parent Portal is a great way to stay up-to-date on student resources, school activities, and relevant notices. It also includes additional forms, the latest announcements, a live calendar of events, and general school information and policies. As paper communication is used less and less each year, it is important for all families to bookmark the LCA Parent Portal for future ease of use.


    LCA understands that there may be times when parents/guardians need to request early release for their child from school. In order to ensure the safety and well-being of all students, we only allow parents/guardians who are listed on the student's emergency contact information may request early release. We respectfully request that you pick your child up from school early only when there is a genuine need. When a student is withdrawn from a classroom early, it is usually disruptive to the entire class. 

    Early release may be granted for the following reasons:

    • Medical or dental appointments
    • Family emergencies
    • Religious observances
    • Other extenuating circumstances

    To minimize classroom interruptions, we ask that you follow these steps:

    • To request early release, parents/guardians must call or email the school office at least 24 hours in advance. 
    • In cases of emergencies, parents are to call or text the school office when they arrive to pick up the student.
    • A school staff member will prepare and escort your child downstairs on the east side of the school building. 
    • In case of severe weather, the staff member will escort your student to the south side of the building under the overhang for protection.


    Students will be allowed to bring in a snack, or if available, purchase one during a designated break time period. Students can only bring water to drink in the classroom with a closed-top tumbler or thermos. A water fountain is available for refills during designated break times. If available, snacks may cost up to $1 each, and can only be purchased with cash or Student Snack Card (see below).

    LCA Snacks is Cash Only program. Prepaid snack cards ($5 or $10 value) can be purchased ahead of time online or in the school office. Please make checks payable to Lighthouse Christian Academy. 

    Student Snack Cards are prepaid cards for students to purchase available snacks during their break time. They are meant for snack purchases and will be limited to one (1) snack and one (1) drink purchase per day. Snack Cards can be re-purchased at any time through the school office or online at the LCA Store.

    * Foods may contain gluten, dairy, and traces of nuts. We are not responsible for catering to allergies.

    ** LCA is not responsible for lost Student Snack Cards. 


    Lighthouse Christian Academy believes that healthy eating habits are important for children's development. We encourage students to bring healthy snacks from home to eat during their assigned break time. Please avoid sending your child to school with snacks that are high in sugar, fat, or salt. Healthy snacks can help your student stay focused and alert during the school day, improve their concentration, maintain healthy energies, and improve their overall health. We hope that you will help us to promote healthy eating habits among our students by sending them to school with healthy snacks. 


    When disciplinary action becomes necessary, it is at the discretion of the administration if a student should be suspended.  Any offenders of school policies and procedures including excessive tardiness (4) per quarter will be placed on probation.  If suspension is necessary, the student will be expected to serve the suspended time at home. Parents will be informed of the suspension time and date. It is up to the parent and student to fulfill the suspended obligation.  Forms must be signed by a parent.  The student is responsible for all schoolwork during the suspension time.   


    Teachers will take roll each day at the arrival time preceding the school’s agenda for the day. Students arriving after the arrival time are considered tardy. Students arriving after 8:00 AM must check into the office before going to class. Tardies resulting from traffic accidents, illness, or car trouble are excused with proper documentation, such as a Police report or Doctor’s note. Parent- or Student-caused tardies such as oversleeping are not considered to be excuses for tardiness. Each quarter, unexcused tardies will result in the following actions: 

    • 4th Tardy – Administration will contact the parent to discuss possible solutions.
    • 5th Tardy – In addition to the above action, a letter will also be sent home by the administration for a warning.
    • 6th Tardies or more – In addition to the above actions, students will risk losing privileges like break times, craft projects, field trips, and scholarships will be notified. 

    REMEMBER: A student’s complete attendance record is a part of their cumulative student file and absences and unexcused tardies are reflected on report cards.  See Absence (Page 25).


    Parents must give the school thirty days (30 days) advance written notice (including the child’s name, date, and reason for withdrawal) prior to the withdrawal of their child. If your child leaves earlier than 30 days from the date of withdrawal notice, or if you fail to provide thirty days' notice, you will still be billed for a period of thirty days from the date of notice or withdrawal.

    An early withdrawal fee of thirty (30) days’ tuition will be charged to any family leaving LCA prior to the student’s completion of a school year in which the student is enrolled. The fee is per student. If a student has attended school for any part of a month, the early withdrawal fee will apply to the subsequent month.

    If your child is withdrawing from LCA during the school year, please notify the school and admissions office in writing, immediately. All financial obligations must be current before any official school records are released. If a family is being relocated because of employment, the 30-day fee will be waived.

School Policies

Financial Policies


    Tuition includes technology services & fees, instructional hours, diagnostic testing, and administration and operating fees.

    All Grades:   $8,200.00

    At LCA, our priority is program excellence. Payment of tuition ensures the quality of our program. Tuition pays our teachers and operating expenses. In order for Lighthouse Christian Academy to meet its payroll and financial obligations in a timely manner, it is important that tuition payments arrive on time each month.


    The curriculum fee covers PACE use, workbooks, instructional supplies, and other miscellaneous supplies. 

    • Curriculum Fee: Grades 1-8:   $400.00  |  Grades 9-12:   $450.00
    • Registration:   $150.00 (One-Time fee for each student: new or returning)
    • Uniforms:   $10+ (can be purchased year-round)
    • Supply Kit:   $50 (Supply Bundle Deal supplied through the Booster Club for fundraising)
    • IOWA Testing:   $60 (One-Time fee required for 3rd-10th graders on scholarships)

    All application and enrollment fees are per student. 

    The registration fee covers the application process and new administrative work.

    All registration fees are non-refundable or transferable.


    Yes, we offer 3 plans:

    • PAID IN FULL: Tuition paid in full by September 15th

    Or based on the enrollment date, the following billing cycle on the 15th, will not receive a late payment fee.

    • TERM: 3-Month Payment Plan 

    (Due August, November, and February), based on the first day of attendance.

    • MONTHLY: 10-Month Payment Plan

    (Due monthly on the 15th from August through May), based on the first day of attendance.

    For Term and Monthly payment plans, the first payment of your plan plus all applicable non-refundable fees are due in August or at the time of acceptance, but before the first day of attendance


    Discounts are available and are listed below. Discounts are applied per student.

    • Sibling Discount: given for each additional sibling within the same family enrolled in the 1-12:
    1. 1st Child (oldest child): Full Tuition rate
    2. 2nd Child: 5% off the total tuition amount    *per additional child 
    3. 3rd Child: 10%  off the total tuition amount    *per additional child
    • Prepay Discount: 3% discount is applied when paying the year’s tuition in full before August 1 or the first day of school. 
    • Military Discount: 5% tuition discount for children of active military members. Must provide proof of active status.
    • First Responders Discount: 5% tuition discount for children of active firefighters, local and state law enforcement officers, EMTs, and paramedics. Must provide proof of active status.

    * Discounts may not be combined on the same student, with the exception of the Prepay discounts.


    Your financial gifts to the school are necessary for LCA to continue its high-quality education. All gifts are gratefully received and wisely used. Donations of cash, financial assets, used vehicles, materials, and services are all deductible for income tax purposes. For your convenience, you may make donations via our website here


    A late charge of $35 will be added for any delinquent payment (which is defined as a payment not received within fifteen (15) days after the due date). If a parent falls 90 days behind on tuition payments, the parent will be required to bring payment in the form of cash or cashier’s check to the school’s main office within seven (7) days. Failure to comply may result in your child being dismissed from school and possibly losing any scholarships awarded.

    Payments can be submitted to LCA by mail (paid to the order of Lighthouse Christian Academy), online payment, or bank transfers (an additional $35 service fee will be added). Payments can also be submitted to Lighthouse Christian Academy by cash or check (paid to the order of Lighthouse Christian Academy).

    Students are not eligible to attend field trips if their parents have a past-due account. Parents may request a meeting with the administration of LCA to discuss a plan to approve the attendance of the student on the field trip. It is the school’s hope that families understand that money should go toward tuition before paying for optional field trips or extra-curricular activities provided by the school.


    A fee is charged for checks returned by the bank in the amount of $35 per check.


    On March 1st of every year, students invited to return to LCA will be offered a re-enrollment contract for the following school year, followed by an invoice for the registration fee. If you are not offered this contract, your child will be put on probation to show demonstrative academic and behavioral improvement before the last day of school. If the student shows progress during this time, LCA will offer the re-enrollment contract for the following school year along with the invoice for registration.

    This fee is to be paid to secure your child’s seat at LCA for the following school year. All fees are non-refundable and are subject to change. 

    If your child will not be returning to LCA the following school year, you must notify the school office in writing as soon as possible or during the re-enrollment process in order to free up a spot for a prospective student.  See Withdrawal Policy (Page 22) of the Parent/Student Handbook

Medical Policies


    Upon returning to school, students are required to present a written excuse stating the date and reason for absence. This note must be signed by the parent or legal guardian and presented to the school office or teacher prior to readmission to class. Absences of a week or more due to illness require a doctor’s note to be excused. 

    Please avoid unnecessary absences. Frequent absences or early checkouts can be detrimental to your child’s academic progress and require extra work for the teacher. 

    If your child is absent because of a communicable disease, we ask that you call or text the school office so that we may alert other parents. See Illness/Injury Policy (Page 16).


    In an effort to ensure the safety of our students and faculty with severe, life-threatening food and nut allergies, certain areas in our school can be designated as allergy-free zones, such as our Lunchroom. LCA students that have any food allergies are encouraged to be responsible and advocate for themselves regarding their allergies. Teachers in all classrooms are made aware of students’ allergies provided that parents have informed the school office and/or updated their child’s allergies via their annual enrollment forms. It is imperative that the school be kept updated regarding any changes to your child’s allergies and if an epinephrine auto-injector is required to be kept at the school. Please refer to the Medication sections regarding updating medications on file (Page 19). Sharing of food among students during snack/lunch times is strictly prohibited.


    If your child is injured or becomes ill, the office will notify you immediately. If the sickness persists, you will be asked to pick him or her up. We do not have adequate facilities or space to properly care for sick children for extended periods of time, and therefore, must ask that you make arrangements to pick them up immediately. A child too ill to attend school may not be left in school at any time. 

    Paramedics may be called for seriously injured children and may be taken directly to the hospital and given necessary treatment. The school does not provide accident insurance for your child. You are solely responsible for the cost of emergency treatment if your child is injured at school. 

    In the case of a contagious illness, such as those listed below, your child must remain home until a physician’s permission slip is brought to school stating the child is well:

    • Common cold: One of the most common childhood illnesses,
    • Flu: Also known as influenza,
    • Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV): Also known as COVID-19 (coronavirus),
    • Hand, foot, and mouth disease: Also known as Coxacki,
    • Chickenpox: Also known as varicella, this highly contagious virus is spread by coughing, sneezing, and direct contact with skin lesions,
    • Pinkeye: Also contagious,
    • Stomach flu: Also known as gastroenteritis,
    • Fifth disease: Also known as "Slapped Cheek".

    If your student exhibits any of the symptoms below, we ask that you keep them home until they are symptom-free for at least 48 hours without medications. It is our intent to keep the spreading of any of these conditions to a minimum:

    • Cough
    • Runny nose
    • Fever
    • Body aches
    • Chills
    • Headache
    • Diarrhea
    • Stomachache
    • Vomiting
    • Eye Discharge
    • Lice

    Your child must be free of any symptoms without medications for at least 48 hours before returning to school. This policy is strictly enforced.

  • LICE

    We understand that lice can be a nuisance and a health concern, and we want to work with parents to keep our school lice-free. Lice are not dangerous, but they can be spread easily from person to person. We hope that you will never need to use this policy. However, if you do, we are committed to working with you to keep our school lice-free.

    How to Prevent Lice

    There are a number of things you can do to prevent lice, including:

    • Regularly check your child's hair for lice and nits. Nits are the lice eggs, and they can be difficult to see. You can use a fine-tooth comb to check your child's hair.
    • Teach your child to avoid sharing hats, combs, brushes, and other personal items.
    • Keep your child's hair clean and free of hair products.
    • Wash your child's bedding and clothing in hot water.

    What to Do If Your Child Has Lice

    If your child has lice, there are a number of things you can do, including:

    • Call your doctor or a lice treatment specialist. They will be able to recommend the best treatment for your child.
    • Wash your child's hair with a lice shampoo. There are a number of different lice shampoos available. Follow the directions on the shampoo label.
    • Comb your child's hair with a fine-tooth comb. This will help to remove any lice or nits that are still present.
    • Wash your child's bedding and clothing in hot water.
    • Vacuum your home thoroughly.

    Return to School Policy

    If your child has lice, they will not be able to return to school until they have been treated and the lice have been eradicated. You will need to provide a doctor's note stating that your child is lice-free before they can return to school.


    We understand that some students may need to take medication during the school day, and we have a policy in place to help ensure that this happens safely and appropriately.

    Only students who have a legitimate medical need for medication may bring doctor-prescribed medications to school. Parents/guardians must provide a completed Medication Authorization Form (MAF) for each medication that their child will need to take during school hours. The authorization form must be signed by the student's doctor and parent/guardian.

    Only prescription medications may be brought to school and will be stored safely in the school office. Over-the-counter medications may be brought to school only with the written approval of the student's parent. Students who require prescription medication dispensed on a daily basis throughout the school day or students who may require the use of an EpiPen or inhaler must have an updated Medication Authorization Form on file in the school office. All medications (prescribed and over-the-counter) must be brought to school in the original container, with the label clearly visible. The medication must be labeled with the student's name, the name of the medication, the dosage, and the frequency of administration.

    Only the school staff member may administer medication to students at school. Students may not self-administer medication unless they have written authorization from their doctor and the school administration has assessed the student's ability to self-administer the medication safely. If a student needs medication during the school day, they must go to the school staff member. The school staff member will administer the medication according to the instructions on the MAF in the school office for safety. Students are not permitted to hand-carry medicines or keep them on their person while on the school campus.

    In the event of a low-grade fever or minor pain, the school staff will also contact the student's parent/guardian to inform them of the situation. A written record is kept of all medicines and first aid dispensed. We are committed to working with you to ensure that your child receives the medication they need in a safe and appropriate manner.


    We are asking parents to remind their children not to wear any scented products, such as colognes, perfumes, deodorants, lotions, or sanitizers to school. These products can trigger allergic reactions in some people, and we want to make sure that all of our students feel safe and comfortable at school.

    Once a scented product has been applied, it is difficult to remove. The scent can linger on clothing, backpacks, and other belongings, which can continue to trigger allergic reactions. To avoid this, we will ask students wearing scented products to go home and change their outfits or a new school shirt will be provided, and an invoice will be issued for the extra uniform.

    There are many unscented products available that work just as well as scented products. We encourage parents to purchase unscented products for their children. We thank you for your cooperation.

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